The Warren County Department of Workforce Development operates the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program. This is a 100% Federally funded program, with funds distributed by the New York State Department of Labor. Warren County works in a three-county consortium with Saratoga and Washington counties to receive and allocate funds. To access funds, the county is mandated to create a Workforce Investment Board and a One-Stop Center for providing core employment services along with a variety of other optional services.
MISSION STATEMENT — Our mission is to educate, empower and collaborate with our community to navigate today’s employment landscape by offering resources, programs, workshops and guidance to overcome barriers and connect with local employers for in-demand jobs.
Workforce Development Board
A private sector-led board that is appointed jointly by Warren, Washington and Saratoga Counties and includes a variety of other workforce related agencies. It shares responsibility with the counties for oversight of the local WIOA programs and can facilitate a broad range of workforce development issues for the local area;
One Stop Center
Provides core employment services and access to services of other partner agencies. This center is jointly operated with the New York State Department of Labor;
Core Services
These services are designed to assist the job seeker in finding their next job, providing workforce related information or exploring training opportunities;
Career Center
The Career Center provides a variety of job related informational workshops and a structured job search program which teaches individuals how to prepare for and conduct a successful job search, i.e., resumes and interviews;
Training Services
Provides limited funds for financial aid and support services to those who qualify for training-in-demand occupations (e.g. nursing, etc.), as well as on the job training (OJT) with local employers;
Business Services
Includes accessing grants and grant information, providing training resources, access to E-learning computer programs, job fairs, referrals, access to Department of Labor services;
Youth Services
This is a summer and year-round work and learning program for youth to better prepare them for future work. Services for both in-school and out-of-school youth are offered.