New Capital Grant Program Will Award Funds to Projects Located in Pro-Housing Certified Communities  •  New Program to Support Small Manufacturers Throughout the State • 
New Capital Grant Program Will Award Funds to Projects Located in Pro-Housing Certified Communities  •  New Program to Support Small Manufacturers Throughout the State

Warren County focuses on Securing Broadband

Blue and white wires plugged into same colored plugs

Warren County’s focus on securing broadband access for regional residents began before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, so officials certainly couldn’t have known face-to-face interactions would halt, making high-speed internet more […]

Affordable Connectivity

Two adults and two kids gathered around a tablet

The Affordable Connectivity Program through Spectrum allows eligible households to receive free high-speed internet. Among the eligible groups are families that are eligible for free/reduced lunches. From the flyer: Great […]

Infrastructure Improvements Coming Soon

Wires plugged into a wall of small plugs

After decades of deterioration, the nation’s infrastructure is getting some long-overdue attention — in the form of financial investment. With the year-end bipartisan commitment of more than $1 trillion in […]