Local business leader talks navigating labor shortages, housing and transportation solutions
A local business leader’s experiences suggest accessing diverse labor sources may be the key to curbing labor shortages in Warren County. Chris Barden, the Chief Operating Officer of North Country […]
The importance of human capital in our region

Beginning in November, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission began requiring publicly listed companies to disclose human capital, or individuals’ knowledge and experience that bring value to an organization. This […]
U.S. Population Shifts; The Aging Workforce

Over the past decade, the U.S. population has shifted: The number of citizens ages 65 and older grew by more than a third to nearly 14 million. That led to […]
The impact of childcare on the workforce

The lingering pandemic cracked open the U.S. economy, exposing weaknesses and, increasingly, laid bare the nation’s dependence on low-wage workers living on the fringe of economic security. Among the systemic […]
EDC: Growing Opportunities for People

The cornerstone of our mission at the EDC is to create and maintain successful, vibrant, and sustainable communities. We make the most of our area by supporting the existing cultural, […]