Former St Alphonsus

Former Saint Alphonsus Church. Open Clear Span building. Modern office addition. Private off street parking. 1/2 mile from downtown Glens Falls, 3.5 miles to I87 Exit 18.

  • Broker First Name: Mark 
  • Broker Last Name: Levack 
  • Broker Company: Levack Realty 
  • ED First Name: John  
  • ED Last Name: Wheatley 
  • ED Company: EDC Warren County 
  • ED Address 1: 234 Glen Street 
  • ED City: Glens Falls 
  • ED State: NY 
  • ED Zip Code: 12801 
  • ED Telephone: (518) 761-6007 x306 
  • ED Email Address: 
  • ED Website URL: 
  • Status: Unavailable 
  • Building Land Type: Retail,Office 
  • Expandable to Sq Ft:  
  • Is For Sale:
  • Sale Price: $350,000 
  • Is Price Negotiable:
  • Rental Rate Annual:  
  • Electric Provider: National Grid 
  • Gas Provider: National Grid 
  • Has Fiber:
  • Is Electric On Site:
  • Is Gas On Site:
  • Is Telecom On Site:
  • Is Water On Site:
  • Sewer Provider: City of Glens Falls 
  • Telecom Provider: Verizon, Time Warner, Primelink, FirstLight 
  • Water Provider: City of Glens Falls 
  • Address1: 31 Broad Street 
  • Address City: Glens Falls 
  • Address County: Warren 
  • Address State: NY 
  • Building Size (Sq Ft): 12,000 
  • Site Size (Acres): 0.88 
  • Latitude (Geo-coded): 43.31 
  • Longitude (Geo-coded): -73.65 

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