New Capital Grant Program Will Award Funds to Projects Located in Pro-Housing Certified Communities  •  New Program to Support Small Manufacturers Throughout the State • 
New Capital Grant Program Will Award Funds to Projects Located in Pro-Housing Certified Communities  •  New Program to Support Small Manufacturers Throughout the State

*** UPDATE FROM HICKORY ON FEB. 14, 2022 ***

The mountain is open for skiing, but the lifts are not available for use.
From Hickory Ski Center’s Facebook Page:
For all of you who are holding your breath for Hickory to open, exhale. Father Time is marching on and unfortunately has dealt us a blow for this season. As you may or may not know, ski areas need a special insurance policy to operate. We have been working hard in collaboration with NYS DOL to get our lifts inspected and permitted to allow us to purchase this insurance. The effort has been underway since July. Permits cannot be issued until the ski insurance carrier inspects prior to issuing a policy. Right now the insurance inspectors are scheduling appointments 4-5 weeks out, and need another 2-3 weeks to issue a policy.
Bottom line no lift-serviced skiing this season. And we are going to be ahead of the game for next season.
Uphill mountain access will remain available via the kiosk service.
We appreciate all the enthusiasm and all the support everyone has provided. We are looking forward to a busy spring, summer and fall hosting public and private events, hikers and mountain bikers and boarders. Stay in touch, we’ll keep you up to date on our progress.

Warren County has an abundance of outdoor recreation opportunities all year round. We are focusing on a regional winter hot spot, Hickory Ski Center, which was planning to open this year after a six-year hiatus. Hickory is providing an outdoor experience that locals and visitors alike won’t want to miss.

Hickory Ski Center offers a full day of outdoor fun and, located in Warrensburg, New York, is just a short drive from the Northway. It was established in 1945 by veterans of a famed ski troop, the American 10th Mountain Division.

During winter, Hickory has 18 trails, seven of which are rated advanced. The terrain, which tops out at 1,900 feet of elevation, is unique because there is no man-made snow or grooming, unlike at bigger ski centers. When Mother Nature cooperates, Hickory offers a one-of-a-kind pure skiing experience. With natural snow conditions and steep terrain, the Hickory Ski Center experience stays true and uncomplicated with a 1950s vintage Poma lift and a large circular fire pit with built-in seating in the lodge for skiers to rest between runs.

Hickory this year doubled its back-country terrain, which also expands its alpine touring capabilities. Alpine touring has been around for decades, but in recent years increased in popularity as outdoor enthusiasts look for more versatile winter fitness activities and adventure. Alpine touring is a combination of cross-country and downhill skiing, with a little mountain-climbing thrown in. 

If Hickory is blessed with enough snow this season, it will also offer a new tubing slalom course.

Ski tracks are left in the fresh white powder on a hill.

The Hickory Legacy Foundation was recently established as a nonprofit organization comprised primarily of local business owners who see the value and economic impact of having Hickory striving. Many Foundation members have memories of skiing Hickory over the years. The Foundation recently funded a state-of-the-art lighting system that allows local school groups to use trails after the school day and into the evening. Future projects at Hickory include creation of a mountain boarding/all-terrain boarding program for summertime. Hickory’s general manager, Sue Catana, says any community members interested in bringing this program to Hickory are encouraged to contact her at

Along with that mountain boarding program, Hickory plans to be open year-round with events such as a “Jeep Invasion” on Father’s Day weekend. 

Click here for more information on Hickory Ski Center.

Click here for information on Hickory’s Ultimate Ski.

Click here to read The Post-Star column about Hickory Ski Center.

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